Mycotoxins – Lateral Flow

Lateral Flow Products

Bioo AflaPure™ M1 Aflatoxin Column Kits

The aflatoxin M1 1 mL column kits are ideal for lower sample volumes
The aflatoxin M1 3 mL column kits are ideal for higher sensitivity detection (< 50 ppt) Both column kits are compatible with the official M1 methods of analysis Both column kits can be used for HPLC analysis or direct fluorescence detection

Bioo AuroFlow™ Aflatoxin M1 Strip Test Kit

Rapid strip test method – 8 minutes
High affinity antibody method that requires no heating step
No sample preparation
High sensitivity
High reproducibility
Interpretation of results can be done by eye or using the QuickSTAR™ Strip Reader

Bioo Scientific – Aflatoxin M1 Strip Test Kit

The AuroFlow™ Aflatoxin M1 Strip Test Kit is a qualitative and rapid lateral flow assay designed to detect Aflatoxin M1 residues in raw commingled cow’s milk at 0.5 ppb.