Coris Human African Trypanosomiasis

SKU: K-15S2 , K-12S2
Supplier: Coris BioConcept (view all products)

In vitro rapid detection test of  T.b. gambiense Ab in blood or plasma.

Pathogen Product Name Technology Description Code
T.b. gambiense  HAT Sero K-SeT Cassette 40 tests, buffer, heparinized capillary tubes, blood lancets, alcohol prep pads K-15S2
T.b. gambiense  HAT Sero K-SeT Cassette 40 tests, buffer, heparinized capillary tubes K-12S2

Advantages of the kits

Easy to use
Easy to interpret
Rapid format (15′)
No dilution
No equipment required


Surra Sero K-SeT

The full procedure is also available in the following video : HAT Sero K-SeT detection test 


Compared to parasitology (n=493)

Phase II trial

         (95% confidence interval)
Specificity 98.6% (97.1 to 100%)
Sensitivity 98.5% (95.9 to 100%)
Agreement 98.7%  

Product file

HAT Sero K-SeT – Human African Trypanosomiasis diagnostic – Product file (PDF file)

Product catalogue

icone-pdf Product catalogue (PDF file)


icone-FAQ Human African Trypanosomiasis – FAQ page


Human African Trypanosomiasis – Science page