Applied Spectral Imaging

ASIs goal is to improve patient care with advanced biomedical imaging. They have developed novel diagnostic solutions for the clinical and research communities, providing outstanding clinical value and user experience, tailored to fit all laboratory needs.

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Applied Spectral Imaging Products

ASI CytoPower

An all-in-one imaging & analysis solution for digital karyotyping and FISH diagnostics.


An industry-leading solution for digital FISH diagnostics, providing computational analysis and automated workflows.

ASI HighBand

A state-of-the-art system for digital chromosome analysis, featuring computer-aided counting, indexing and karyotyping, as well as automated unattended scanning.


Automatic identification of translocations and chromosomal origins.
Simultaneous detection of chromosomal aberrations in one hybridization.

ASI PathFusion

A cutting-edge diagnostics solution, bridging the gap between Brightfield pathology and FISH.

ASI Rainbow

An advanced multi-color imaging & analysis solution for Brightfield and Fluorescence samples, addressing Research needs of clinical laboratories by extracting quantitative, spectral and morphological information on cell-biology.

HiPath Pro

A unique Brightfield imaging & analysis system for a variety of histopathology needs, including Quantitative IHC Scoring and Whole Slide Imaging of H&E/IHC samples.